Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Wonders of Pre-K

So let me just say at the outset, I love teaching pre-kindergarten kids. They are still little and sweet. And when they're not, they still hug you and tell you they love you.

I posted yesterday about how the kids were all off the chain.Well, the same held true today. One little boy in particular was having a really rough time of it. I ended up carrying him down to the bus at the end of the day because he refused to go. (Mommy got a call about him.) Whatever we wanted him to do, he refused. I have some sympathy for these little guys because some of them don't have a lot of stability at home. But when you start kicking chairs and shouting, "Shut up!" at the teacher, that's where I draw the line.

So we made it through to the end of the day; I read the kids "The Three Billy Goats Gruff," which they love. I have to read it for them every time I'm in their classroom. (I told the classroom teacher I'm kind of like a one-hit-wonder with that book!)

Then we went on the playground for a few minutes. I had just gotten out there and was talking with two other teaching assistants when all of a sudden - WHAM! a soccer ball flew out of nowhere and hit me smack on the right ear. (It was accidental.)  The ear's not bleeding or ringing, just hurting a little, so I haven't done anything about it. Most likely it will be just fine.

I tell you what, though - that kid is the next Pele, the way he kicks that ball!

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