Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine's Day + Kindergarteners + Sugar

equals a very tired and sore Ms. P. at the end of the day! Actually, I was in a first grade class this morning, and they were okay; they just wanted to chat a lot. There was an assistant to work with one boy who had a behavior chart, which helped immensely. Out of 24 kids, only three really gave me any problems. One boy the teacher had warned about that he doesn't like to listen to substitutes was good as gold, so I praised him highly. I praised where I could, and took recess from those to talked back or refused to work. Of course, it's always different when the teacher is out, and it's a holiday to boot.

After lunch, I switched to a kindergarten class (half-day meetings). We did a math lesson, then they had a special. After their art class, it was PARTY TIME! You can imagine how hyped up they were. We gave them cupcakes, cookies, potato chips, and juice boxes, and then it was time to pass out the cards. They took great delight in giving out their cards to all their friends. It got a bit chaotic, but that is to be expected at the end of the day when they are sugared up and excited. A couple of them even gave me valentines, which was sweet because I wasn't even their regular teacher. Two moms came in to assist; apparently they are regulars in the classroom as helpers, so it was wonderful to have their assistance. The class also has an instructional assistant, so there were four adults in the room. We managed to get through until car riders were dismissed and buses were called. I told the assistant, "At least we get to send them home to other adults!" They all wanted to hug me at the end of the day and wish me a happy Valentine's day. Have I mentioned I really like the pre-k/kindergarten age kids?

The only drawback, though, is that since I have fibromyalgia, I get very sore from being on my feet all day and bending down to help the kids. But it's worth it, because they are such fun!

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