Friday, March 2, 2012

I haven't blogged in like a week

But my 12-year-old was holding my computer hostage! What has been happening in the world of Meg? Well, let's see. I went to Diocesan Convention, which was awesome. Our theme was "Meeting Jesus in Our Midst." First, the power went out; then, we had a tornado. I posted on FB, "Next year, Lord, can you come with a little less fanfare? Kthxbye."

I don't know if it's the Lamictal (new meds) or if I'm coming down with something, but I was sick for two days this week. I went back to school today, but when they started cooking green eggs with ham, I felt nauseous. (I told my ex-husband that, and he asked, am I pregnant. Um, NO.)

My pre-K kids continue to crack me up. I am composing a file of "Sh*t My Students Say." If my Older Daughter will draw the illustrations, it may be a book!

In other news, my boyfriend is awesome and I love him.