Monday, February 13, 2012

Books and Depression

The book I am reading right now is called It's Kind of a Funny Story. Younger Daughter has a copy and refused to lend it to me, so I downloaded it on my Nook. It's about a 15-year-old boy who gets into a prestigious high school and seems to have it all made. Then stress and depression start to get to him, and he ends up in a downward cycle culminating in a trip to the Emergency Room, which gets him admitted to the psychiatric ward of the hospital.

The story is very well written and rings true for this girl who underwent a major depressive episode in high school (and yes, I was also admitted to a prestigious high school). Craig, the main character, describes his feelings of depression and suicidal ideations in a way I can totally relate to. At the point I have reached in the novel, he is still hospitalized and working through his feelings of depression and guilt.

The only fault I find with this book (and this is because of who I am) is that it is very triggering for me, as someone who still struggles with depression. The author tells the story so realistically that it brings back memories for me. I notice that I feel more depressed. Is it the story? Is it situational? (Last weekend brought anniversaries of the deaths of my aunt and my father.) I can't tell yet. I will finish the book, and I recommend it highly, with the caveat that it may trigger feelings of depression in those of us who are prone to them. It sounds a little funny to say that a book is so well written that it is almost too realistic, but that is my take on it.

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