Monday, February 6, 2012

One thing about being a teacher:  we always know when there is a full moon because the kids are off the chain. I had three-year-olds today, and I've been in this class before. They are a good group of kids, but today they were off. They were acting crazy and not listening ALL DAY. One little girl started jumping on other people's cots at naptime, then running around the room. When we came in from recess, she wanted to stay outside and have me chase her. Then when it was time to go to the bus, she refused to go, so I had to pick her up and carry her to the bus like a sack of potatoes. In the process, I wrenched my already-injured right knee.

Another little boy peed his pants at naptime, but he was pleased that it didn't get on his Spider-Man shirt. The assistant told him, "Spider-Man never pees his pants!" So he wants to be more like Spider-Man in the future. Hey, whatever motivates him!

Another thing about being a teacher is that we get injured A LOT. I like to say teaching is like pro football:  100% injury rate, but without the high salaries.

After school, it was time to take Younger Daughter to a doctor's appointment, then go to the grocery store. Still ahead: laundry and dinner. Woo-hoo my life is exciting! NOT. It's a tough job being Super-Mom, but someone's gotta do it! =)

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